Avril Lavigne puts up a pretty good front that she’s a tough as nails type of chick. The “Sk8er Boi” singer was really part of the initial wave of non-conformist singers, but has since faded behind news-makers like Miley Cyrus. Regardless, perhaps Lavigne’s tough mystique isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
According to The Huffington Post, while performing in China, Lavigne was so startled she screamed and ran off the stage in the middle of performing the aforementioned “I’m With You”. There is no confirming what actually startled her, but the video of the incident can be seen below.
[Click the link to read see the video]
It’s actually pretty funny when you watch the video (and because nothing bad happened to her). There are forums all over the internet that are trying to discern what the cause of the incident really was. The general consensus is that a fan was climbing on stage. It apparently wasn’t too big of a threat because her band kept playing even without her on stage. Now that is kind of awkward. At least Lavigne is OK.
Photo by Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images