A video pointing out a layered message in Netflix's animated series The Boss Baby: Back in Business has again been making rounds on the internet, shocking several who were unaware of the alleged propaganda. In July 2023, a TikTok user named Cooper Devaney (@ballwrinkle) took to his social media handle to share a 40-second video of the conspiracy theory.
The TikTok user starts the video by asking their viewers if they noticed that the DreamWorks Animation movie franchise was a "Republican thing." He then plays a scene from the show where a group of kids can be seen talking to one another while hiding behind a bush.
A little girl says:
"Scooter Buskie is a garbage baby."To this, another toddler replies:
"Maybe he is just misunderstood."To this, the little girl responds:
"Oh sorry, I didn't realize your little brother was a liberal."However, when she says "liberal," she whispers it. In another clip, the baby refers to something as being "like negotiating with North Korea." The alleged conspiracy theory shocked several internet users, as one of them commented:
Boss Baby has been labeled a "Christian" film by critics
In the same TikTok video, Cooper Devaney presents a review from Movieguide - a Christian film review website. According to the publication, Boss Baby is a "hilarious, heartwarming film with strong pro-life, pro-family, and pro-business messages."
While speaking to media outlet Daily Dot in July 2023, the TikTok user revealed that they found it "shocking and jarring and hilarious” when they understood the dig on liberals.
The TikTok user explained that they felt that it was supposed to be satire, but that didn't make any sense since the animated series is for children who would not understand the gravity of the issues being joked about.
“On some level, it’s gotta be some kind of propaganda.”The TikToker was especially surprised since the original film featured liberal performers Alec Baldwin and Lisa Kudrow.
The Boss Baby: Back in Business is a Netflix series based on the 2017 DreamWorks Animation film Boss Baby. The series revolves around the lead, Boss Baby, who returns to Baby Corp while trying to achieve an ideal work-life balance.
The series has voice-overs from Pierce Gagnon, JP Karliak, David W. Collins, Flula Borg, Kevin Michael Richardson, Alex Cazares, Hope Levy, Brandon Scott, and more.
The original DreamWorks film had an A-list star cast with personalities like Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Tobey Maguire, Miles Bakshi, Conrad Vernon, and more.
In 2018, the film was nominated in the Best Animated Feature Film category at the prestigious Academy Awards. The film also received nominations for Satellite Awards, Annie Awards, Golden Globes, and PGA Awards.
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