It’s easy to assume that everyone who is famous is beautiful and flawless. We see our favorite celebrities on the covers of magazines, on the red carpet and on social media. They are always so gorgeous and so perfect that you just assume they always look that way. After all, they have millions of dollars in the bank and it must be pretty simple to look that good with millions just hanging around waiting to be spent on the most amazing doctors, the most amazing makeup and the best products, right? Sure, good skin can be purchased.
However, even some of your favorite celebs have bad skin. While I have the best skin of my life as an adult, I struggled in my teenage years with occasional breakouts and red skin. I’ve learned to conceal it, to care for it and to actually get over it as an adult so that my skin looks better than ever, but some people never grow out of it. Some people, in fact, grow into it. Bad skin is no fun, but it does happen. Before you write yourself off as imperfect and less than gorgeous, remember that it really is what is inside that counts. To take it a step further, remember that makeup, filters and good lighting tends to make everyone look a lot better than they actually do in real life.
And most importantly, remember that celebrities are often photoshopped to the point that they don’t even recognize themselves in many of their photos. That’s something of a consolation for those who suffer with bad skin. These five celebs are also the victims of imperfect skin, and maybe their struggles will make you feel marginally better.
Megan Fox
People want to find a reason to hate her since she’s so gorgeous, but she’s not perfect. Even the hottest woman in the business according to so many of her fans has imperfect skin. She battles breakouts that aren’t terrible, but they’re far worse than many people her own age. It’s just something that happens when you’re a human with skin.
She cannot hide her bad skin sometimes when she posts up-close photos of herself on social media. She’s got bumps and rough areas of skin on her cheeks, and she cannot always hide them when the camera gets up close and personal with her face.
Britney Spears
She’s never been shy about opening up to the press about her problematic skin, and she always looks for a way to cover it up. Breakouts love her skin, and they just want to hang out as often as possible on her face.
Katy Perry
She once opened up and admitted to the fact that she’s been battling breakouts most of her life. Her skin is far from perfect and she really does not care for it in the least. She does admit that her breakouts have gotten better over the years, but they’re still significant.
Alicia Keys
She has the most flawless voice, but her skin missed the flawless memo. She has to do a lot of cleaning to keep her skin under control, and even that does not work at all times. She has a lot of bumps, a lot of acne and she’s always battling her imperfections.
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