In 2017, when the Houston Astros captured the World Series title for the first time, third baseman and shortstop Alex Bregman hoped his teammate Justin Verlander's supermodel wife Kate Upton would play matchmaker for him.
Speaking to USA Magazine just two days after their 2017 World Series triumph, Alex Bregman said:
"I was just asking Kate when we clinched to go to the World Series, ‘Hey can you hook me up with one of your friends or something?'”•

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Alex Bregman met the love of his life 2 years after the Houston Astros won their first World Series in 2017
Alex Bregman eventually met his soulmate, Reagan Howard, in 2019.
Alex and Reagan first sparked romance rumors when Howard posted a photo with Alex in July 2019, seated inside a plane.
"Cleveland bound." - Reagan BregmanThe pair announced their engagement on Instagram in January 2020.
"Love you forever baby." - Alex BregmanEleven months later, in December 2020, Alex and Reagan exchanged vows in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and opted for an intimate backyard wedding in the presence of their close ones.
"Married to my best friend." - Reagan BregmanSpeaking to "The Knot" two months after their wedding, Alex was all praise for his wife:
"She cares. She's willing to go above and beyond for the people she loves and is loyal. She's hardworking, smart and she literally does everything for me."Bregman added that his wife makes him beam with happiness:
"She makes life better. Whenever I'm around her, she makes me happy."Cut to November 2022, Mr. and Mrs. Bregman are parents to a cute little munchkin, Knox Samuel Bregman. He was born in August 2022.
"My World." - Regan BregmanIt seems Knox brought good fortune to his father. On Nov. 5, the Houston Astros emerged victorious and clinched the World Series title for the second time by beating the Philadelphia Phillies.
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