Is Jeff Bezos Left-Handed?

There have been tons of arguments on lefties being smarter than righties. Which leads us to wonder, as the richest man in the world and a highly intelligent individual, is the Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, a leftie?

No, Jeff Bezos is not left-handed. After looking through photos from his computer setup to him eating to him signing autographs, it is clear that he is right-handed. There have also been many studies published in scientific journals that disprove the theory that lefties are smarter than righties.

Below is a picture showing Jeff shaking hands with his right hand as an example.

4-"Rama: Jeff Bezos is in bed with Elon Musk.
Tara: He is a tyrant & he is evil. Treats #Amazon workers horribly-no #healthcare."

— Starseed (@Starseed52) March 18, 2017

Scroll down to read more about whether lefties are smarter than righties, how smart Jeff Bezos is, and who out of the top ten wealthiest people is left-handed.

Left-Handed People Are Smarter?

If you Google “Are left-handed people smarter than right-handed people?” a ton of different articles pop-up stating that lefties are smarter than righties, but is that really true? Not at all. According to recent studies published in 2019, there is actually a negligible difference between IQ in righties and lefties. 

In this Psychology Today article, it is noted that a meta-research study out of The University of Athens puts the case to rest. The study looked at data from multiple other studies on the correlation between handedness and intelligence. The study was able to create a sample size of over 20,000 people and the results were this:

“For the comparison between right-handers and left-handers, however, there was a statistically significant effect, showing that right-handers had a higher average IQ than left-handers. Importantly, this effect was tiny and unlikely to have any substantial effect in real life.”

That small difference in IQ that the quote speaks about is of a total of 1.5 points; a miniscule difference when comparing IQ’s.

You can watch the below YouTube video from BackToGreat about other myths and facts surrounding left-handedness.

How Smart Is Jeff Bezos?

While his IQ has never been publicly confirmed, Jeff Bezos does most likely have an IQ sitting above 150. That would put him at the elite level of the 0.1% of the population who are considered geniuses. And, as stated above, this has nothing to do with him being right-handed. 

We are able to tell that Bezos has an extraordinary IQ based off of the study examined in this Psychology Today article. The article details that a student needs to have extremely high SAT scores in order to be accepted to an ivy league university’s engineering program. Jeff Bezos is a graduate from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. SAT scores and IQ tests are both standardized tests that can measure intelligence. Thus, a high SAT score can be linked to a higher IQ.

Are Any of the Other Top 10 Richest People Left-Handed?

While Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man in the world, may not be left-handed, there are some others on the list of top ten wealthiest people that are. The second most wealthiest man in the world and owner of Microsoft is Bill Gates. Gates has a net worth of over $106 billion and is possibly one of the most famous left-handers in the world. 

The third richest man in the world, the French businessman and CEO of Louis Vuitton, Bernard Arnault, is right-handed. He has a net worth of around $95 billion right now. Mark Zuckerberg, the famous creator of Facebook, is a southpaw though. But the fifth richest man, Warren Buffett, is not. Buffett is the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

As for the remaining top five richest people in the world? Well, they all appear to be right-handed. This list includes the Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, as well as Zara CEO Amancio Ortega.

While Jeff Bezos isn’t left-handed, as we pointed out, that doesn’t have any effect on his intelligence. Just like a lot of the world’s richest people, he is a rightie. 
