Last name URBAN: origin and meaning

Urban : German Polish Czech Slovak Croatian Slovenian Ukrainian Belorussian English French and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic); Hungarian (Urbán): from a personal name Latin Urbanus ‘city dweller’ (a derivative of urbs ‘town city’) borne by a 4th-century Christian saint the patron saint of vines and by seven early popes. As a Jewish surname this is an adoption of the Polish personal name. In North America this surname may also be a shortened form of Slavic patronymics and other derivatives from the name Urban e.g. Polish Urbanczyk and Urbanowicz Slovenian Urbančič (see Urbancic) and Urbanič (see Urbanic).

Source : DAFN2 : Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, ©2022 by Patrick Hanks and Oxford University Press
