Destroyer could earn Nicole Kidman some consideration for an Oscar nomination and the gritty neo-noir storyline about obsession, guilt, and betrayal is worthwhile for those who appreciate the genre, but the movie seems destined to be lost in t...

Sometimes, it's all a matter of timing, and timing is not in Diary of the Dead's favor. When the movie began making the film festival rounds at the tail end of the summer of 2007, it represented a fresh and invigorating look at an apocalypse - one...

Stronger is a based-on-a-true-story account of the post-terrorist attack travails of Jeff Bauman (Jake Gyllenhaal), who became to many the “face” of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing victims. Immortalized by a photograph taken by Charles Kr...

The only reason any male could have for seeing The Vow is the hope of getting laid afterwards. The only reason any female could have for seeing The Vow is if she views the plots of Harlequin romance novels as the height of modern storytelling. Thi...

Hollywood loves stories about crusading lawyers. For as long as there have been movies, there have been courtroom dramas and, although attorneys may be regarded with skepticism in the real world, they are more often than not heroic on-screen. Althoug...