New American Hustle trailer: does Jennifer Lawrence seem really out of place?

Jennifer Lawrence

As we steadily approach Oscar-baiting season, American Hustle stands out as a major contender. Directed by David O. Russell, the ensemble cast includes past winners (Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence) and nominees (Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner) in moderately engrossing subject matter. I’m pretty sure that most people who will see this movie won’t be there for the ABSCAM history lesson but are more interested in these particular actors. You know, star power.

The first trailer gave us a look at the glitz, glamour, and weirdness portrayed by the cast. The second trailer delivers more character background and major drama. This is slightly NSFW for the potty-mouthed Jennifer Lawrence:

Bradley Cooper’s pink curlers make me so happy! Is anyone else creeped out by Jennifer Lawrence’s age difference from her character? Christian Bale is (as JLaw’s husband) playing 10 years older than his actual age, but Jennifer can’t get away with playing late 30s. She looks like she’s babysitting that poor, obscenity-uttering child. Oh well. I guess younger actresses can steal all the roles from older ones. No biggie.

Kaiser already posted most of these new posters in a link post last week, but I can’t resist using them again. I harbor a weakness for character posters.

Bradley Cooper

Christian Bale

Amy Adams

Jennifer Lawrence

Jeremy Renner

Movie stills & posters courtesy of Columbia Pictures
