ProximityPlacementGroupInner (Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation)

ProximityPlacementGroupInner (Azure SDK for Java Reference Documentation) java.lang.Object

public final class ProximityPlacementGroupInner extends

Specifies information about the proximity placement group.

  • Constructor Summary


    Creates an instance of ProximityPlacementGroupInner class.

  • Method Summary

    All MethodsInstance MethodsConcrete Methods

    Get the availabilitySets property: A list of references to all availability sets in the proximity placement group.

    Get the colocationStatus property: Describes colocation status of the Proximity Placement Group.

    Get the intent property: Specifies the user intent of the proximity placement group.

    Get the proximityPlacementGroupType property: Specifies the type of the proximity placement group.


    Validates the instance.

    Get the virtualMachines property: A list of references to all virtual machines in the proximity placement group.

    Get the virtualMachineScaleSets property: A list of references to all virtual machine scale sets in the proximity placement group.

    Set the colocationStatus property: Describes colocation status of the Proximity Placement Group.

    Set the intent property: Specifies the user intent of the proximity placement group.

    Set the proximityPlacementGroupType property: Specifies the type of the proximity placement group.

    Set the zones property: Specifies the Availability Zone where virtual machine, virtual machine scale set or availability set associated with the proximity placement group can be created.

    Get the zones property: Specifies the Availability Zone where virtual machine, virtual machine scale set or availability set associated with the proximity placement group can be created.

    Methods inherited from class

    location, tags

    Methods inherited from class

    id, name, type

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ProximityPlacementGroupInner

      public ProximityPlacementGroupInner()

      Creates an instance of ProximityPlacementGroupInner class.

  • Method Details

    • zones

      Get the zones property: Specifies the Availability Zone where virtual machine, virtual machine scale set or availability set associated with the proximity placement group can be created.

      Returns: the zones value.
    • withZones

      Set the zones property: Specifies the Availability Zone where virtual machine, virtual machine scale set or availability set associated with the proximity placement group can be created.

      Parameters: zones - the zones value to set. Returns: the ProximityPlacementGroupInner object itself.
    • withLocation

      Overrides: withLocation in class
    • withTags

      Overrides: withTags in class
    • proximityPlacementGroupType

      Get the proximityPlacementGroupType property: Specifies the type of the proximity placement group. Possible values are: **Standard** : Co-locate resources within an Azure region or Availability Zone. **Ultra** : For future use.

      Returns: the proximityPlacementGroupType value.
    • withProximityPlacementGroupType

      Set the proximityPlacementGroupType property: Specifies the type of the proximity placement group. Possible values are: **Standard** : Co-locate resources within an Azure region or Availability Zone. **Ultra** : For future use.

      Parameters: proximityPlacementGroupType - the proximityPlacementGroupType value to set. Returns: the ProximityPlacementGroupInner object itself.
    • virtualMachines

      Get the virtualMachines property: A list of references to all virtual machines in the proximity placement group.

      Returns: the virtualMachines value.
    • virtualMachineScaleSets

      Get the virtualMachineScaleSets property: A list of references to all virtual machine scale sets in the proximity placement group.

      Returns: the virtualMachineScaleSets value.
    • availabilitySets

      Get the availabilitySets property: A list of references to all availability sets in the proximity placement group.

      Returns: the availabilitySets value.
    • colocationStatus

      Get the colocationStatus property: Describes colocation status of the Proximity Placement Group.

      Returns: the colocationStatus value.
    • withColocationStatus

      Set the colocationStatus property: Describes colocation status of the Proximity Placement Group.

      Parameters: colocationStatus - the colocationStatus value to set. Returns: the ProximityPlacementGroupInner object itself.
    • intent

      Get the intent property: Specifies the user intent of the proximity placement group.

      Returns: the intent value.
    • withIntent

      Set the intent property: Specifies the user intent of the proximity placement group.

      Parameters: intent - the intent value to set. Returns: the ProximityPlacementGroupInner object itself.
    • validate

      public void validate()

      Validates the instance.

      Throws: IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.
