Who won Jeopardy! tonight? October 11, 2022, Tuesday

A new episode of Jeopardy! Season 39 aired on Tuesday, October 11, 2022. After winning seven games, customer success operations manager Cris Pannullo ($221,901) returned to the show to play his eighth game.

Hailing from Ocean City, New Jersey, Cris became the first contestant in Season 39 to surpass Luigi de Guzman’s five-day winning streak. In the latest episode, the 7-day winner returned to defend his win against two new players — Marsha Free, an executive assistant to the principal from Duluth, Georgia, and Mike Elliott, a meat cutter originally from Derry, New Hampshire.

The official synopsis of the game show reads:

“The host tests the knowledge of the contestants on a wide range of subjects and the winner gets to claim the title and keep the prize money.”

Today’s Jeopardy! winner, Cris Pannullo

Hosted by Ken Jennings, the latest episode of the competition series featured Cris Pannullo bringing his magic once again. His luck in finding the Daily Doubles helped him win the game for the eighth time. Throughout his journey on the show, Cris has found 15 Daily Doubles, out of 17.

In the latest episode, the categories for the first round included “Classic Sitcoms By Episode Title, Polish History, The Wait Of The World, Subtitled Nonfiction, Where In The House?, It’s Just A Geometric Figure Of Speech.”

While new player Mike Elliott delivered nine correct answers and banked $4,800, Marsha Free’s score went negative as she gave two correct and two incorrect answers, respectively. Her total was -$400. Cris, on the other hand, answered 16 questions correctly, including a Daily Double, and scored $12,000 in the first round.

In the second round, the categories were “Science Grab Bag, Baby Names: Top 25 Of 1922, Old Words, It’s A ‘Big’ Place, The Temples In Jerusalem, Broadway Rocks.”

Mike gave Cris some tough competition in the Double Jeopardy round as the former took the lead initially. But Daily Double changed the scores as Cris wagered over $10,000 and won, regaining the lead. Mike, too, found a Daily Double, but couldn’t surpass Cris’ total as the latter played well towards the end of round 2. The scores were Cris at $37,400, Mike at $26,800, and Marsha at $1,600.

In the Final Jeopardy, Cris was the only contestant to correctly answer the final question. He won his wagering amount, while Mike lost his $18,200-worth bet, leaving him with just $8,600. Marsha wagered zero dollars, and thus, her total earnings didn’t change.

Hence, Cris Pannullo won Jeopardy! today.

Cris Pannullo: Tonight's winner (Image via Jeopardy)

Final Jeopardy! results today

The category for the final round of the October 11 episode was “Famous Ships.” The final question, in the form of a clue, read:

"Its wreck was discovered in 1989, 48 years after it had been sunk & 91 years after the man it was named for had died.”

The correct answer to the final clue was “Bismarck.”

While Cris guessed the answer right, Marsha and Mike wrote “Andrea Doria.” Marsha didn’t bet any money, so she had nothing to lose. However, Mike was confident he gave the right answer and thus wagered a whopping amount, but losing in the final round brought down his total.

Take a look at the final results of Tuesday’s episode:

Cris Pannullo: $37,400 + $16,201 = $53,601 (What is Bismarck) (8-day total: $275,502)

Mike Elliott: $26,800 – $18,200 = $8,600 (What is the Andrea Doria?)

Marsha Free: $1,600 – $0 = $1,600 (What is the Aa Andrea Doria?)

Today’s win made Cris an 8-day champion with total earnings of $275,502. He will return to the show to play his ninth game against two new players.

The next episode of Jeopardy! Season 39 will air on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.

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